Saturday, May 16, 2009


Today was an ugly day! It all started when I woke up this morning and happened to catch a glance of my self in the bathroom mirror. It was not pretty. I tired to remedy it with make up and hair. It was not pretty. I tore through my closet to find my favorite outfit then I looked in the full length mirror. It was not pretty. Yes today was an ugly day! That special day where I count the wrinkles under my eyes and on my forehead, kick myself for ever cutting my hair even though I would still hate it even if it were long, try on every thing in my closet and still cringe when I notice how I went from a size 5 to an 11 in jeans. Oh yes today was an ugly day! As I sat on my couch feeling ugly Jayden was playing on the floor with his toys. I noticed that every time I looked over at him he was staring at me then we would make eye contact and he would smile and laugh. It made me smile. I picked him up, walked to the window, and saw a beautiful summer day waiting for me outside. It made me smile. I packed a bag, grabbed the stroller, and headed outside for a afternoon walk. On this walk I found a few pretty things that made me smile and forget about all the ugly.

1 comment:

  1. hi! I can appreciate this blog... as a new mother of a child.. it's amazing how they can bring tears and smiles to our lives! An ugly day has an amazing way of turning into a beautiful day when your boy smiles!

    My son was born 11.12.08! Our boys are so close in age! :)
