Tuesday, June 2, 2009


When I was pregnant with Jayden everyone told me to enjoy every minuet because "It will go by too fast." it did. After Jayden was born everyone said to enjoy the Newborn stage because "It will go by too fast." it did! I have learned that when it comes to babies you never know what you are going to get or in better words what you are going to get yourself into. This is what I have gotten myself into.
Jayden 6 Months
  • Thursday May 21st: Jayden learns to sit up on his own.
  • Monday May 25th: Jayden learns to crawl on his hands and knees.
  • Tuesday May 26th: I put up protective gate to keep now crawling baby safe.
  • Wednesday May27th: Jayden learns to use the alleged" safety "gate to stand up.
  • Thursday May 28th: Jayden takes his new learned skills to his crib.
  • Everyday Since: Transforming from the calm laid back mom to the paranoid, can't get anything done due to the fact that I have to look in on every two seconds, mom!

Look Mom! One Handed!


  1. They do grow up so fast don't they! It gets worse with being paranoid, at least I think so. The older Leah gets the more worried I get. They are so much fun though. They bring so much joy and laughter into our lives even with all the worry. He is adorable!

  2. Wow! He's getting so big! What a cutie!
