Sunday, November 15, 2009

Finally Got Around To It

It feels like an Eternity since I updated the blog. As most of you know the first few months of Pregnancy don't agree with me. I pretty much spend the day puking. I am 10 weeks now and ready for it to be over. Jon is a trooper he juggles school and work then comes home to be at my beck and call. I do love that man, even though sometimes I have dreams about throwing him out a window, but who hasn't. Anyways we have had a few fun things happen. The first being Jayden's first Halloween! I love Halloween..I make sure all of us dress up for the occasion. This year Jayden was a spider and Jon and I were the poor souls who got caught up in his web. My boys seemed to have had a blast, I wish I could say the same for me, I was to sick to really enjoy it, but I kept a smile on my face for Jayden.

(Halloween 2009)

The next big thing was Jayden's first Birthday!! Now its known through out my family that my mom is the cake guru. I and most of the family have fond memories of her homemade birthday cakes. Well I wanted Jayden to have the same fond memories only I wanted to give it a go for myself. When I told my mom that I was going to make Jayden's cake she seemed surprised, later she told me that she was proud of me for wanting to try it myself. So I went out and bought everything I needed for the job. Now I knew it was going to be a time consuming project but I didn't think it would be hard. At the time I came up with this brilliant plan I did not have the faintest idea that I was pregnant. So the day came to start on the cake and I felt horrible. As I was coloring the frosting I had to stop and puke several times because the smell was overwhelming. Then came the long hours of frosting the cake. A few times I shouted to Jon that I was going to throw this thing away and just go buy one..but I didn't. I don't know how she does it but I can not make a frosting star.When the cake was finished I didn't care what it looked like and threw it in the fridge. I don't think it is my best work but everyone said I did a wonderful job. Now when I look at pictures of the cake I realized that it is not so bad. And I guess I will do it all over again next year.

Jayden and Daddy

One of his new toys..the bug bike

My Family

Jayden with aunt Collette (not my sister but might as well be)
by the way she is 4 months pregnant with her first!!!

The Birthday Cake



  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
