Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Photo Shoot

Since money has been a little tight this summer we have not been able to update our family photo. So I thought maybe we could go to the park and see if it is possible to take a decent photo our selves. Let's just say by the end of the afternoon Jon and I (mostly Jon) decided that it would be better if we just saved our pennies for a professional. I do however love the pics we got. They are CLASSIC!!
Nice!! Let's just forget we have kids...

Sweet!! Ok Jon while both kids are screaming let's take a few with just you.
Don't forget to SMILE!!

Awesome! I could do this all day.

My all time FAVORITE...
So Funny! What are you talking about Jayden loves his little sister!
Just keep smiling dad!

*NOTE* no children were harmed in the making of this photo shoot.

These are not part of the photo shoot. I just think they were cute.

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