Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just another Day

So I have noticed that some of my friends enjoy blogging about their day's at home with the kids. It's like they are giving you a chance to look through their window and get a glimpse of what life is like at their house. Well ok! Here is a window for all who are curious as to what goes on at my house....
Today is Saturday. Saturday is my deep cleaning day. I clean my house everyday but I really clean on Saturday. Anyways... today I did not feel like jumping into my cleaning routine. I woke up stiff and tired. So I gave myself the morning/afternoon off. I put both children down for their nap's around 11:30am. Jazlynn went down quietly. Jayden on the other hand did not (typical behavior). With the kids down I decided to grab some lunch while I still could. After a quick lunch I decided to take some time to relax. On a typical day my relax time is no more than 5 min today was no different. As I laid there a funny smell tickled my nose. Hmm... I thought "Is that Poop?" "No it must be coming from outside" "Jayden is quiet he must be asleep....or..." after that thought I jumped up to go peak in on Jayden all the while thinking "Please no. Not today" I got to his room and was greeted to Jayden diaper less, with dark green playdough like poop covering his body, sheets, and crib.(typical behavior when I forget the duck tape) I sighed and pulled him out of the crib and we walked to the bathroom where I proceeded to fill the tub. Jon had some things to do on the roof and had just stopped for lunch.( sorry Jon no lunch for you) I asked/told Jon to come and help me clean the scene. We pulled off poop filled sheets and blankets and scrubbed poop covered walls. When that was done I plopped Jayden in the tub and gave him a good scrubbing. After he was dressed I sent him on his way as I went to finish the job in his room. While I was disinfecting the carpet I noticed that things had once again gotten a little too quiet. I called Jayden's answer. I called answer. Ugh.. I hear splashing in the bathroom...CRAP...I forgot to drain the tub. I walk toward the bathroom to find Jayden splashing the water with his hands (typical behavior) On further inspection also saw that he was completely soaked up to his shoulders. He just stood there laughing while dripping all sorts of water on the floor. After another set of dry cloths I sent him on his way again. Now it's time to mop up the water and clean the poop filled tub. What a day and it's only 1:30pm.

I had to take a break from blogging. Jazlynn started crying and Jayden just wont quit! I have been able to keep my cool up until now. I walked out to pick up Jazlynn and I notice Jayden by the fish tank with the lid off and fish in hand. That's IT!! no more nice mom...Jayden got a spanken and a time out. It's now 3:00 and I am beat but because it's Saturday I have to get started on my other cleaning chores. Don't worry I will put on some Office and be done in no time. Well, I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse through my window.

*note* our beloved fish Jorge (that's George in Spanish cuz he's a Spanish fish) will live to see another day.

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