Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sweet October.......

Yesterday we bundled ourselves in long sleeves and our light fall jackets then took a trip to the cutest corn maze and pumpkin patch in Pocatello for a day of family fun. Jayden had a blast running free in the maze. He hated any and all dead ends and would show it by throwing himself on the ground and scream until I or Jon picked him up and pointed him to another direction. 4 month old Jazlynn slept peacefully in her stroller. I couldn't help but imagine a sassy princess in pig tails running a long side her brother this time next year. I wondered what it would be like. Will Jayden hold her hand as they walked or would he pull her hair? Will he help her up if she fell or would he be the one who pushed her down? I guess I will have to wait on that. My thoughts also went to my children that I have yet to meet and how it will be to have all of us enjoying days like this, but I guess I will have to wait on that too.... After the maze they had games, face painting, and fresh sweet corn cooked in the husk on the grill!! Very Very good. We played and got some awesome pictures then it was off to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins. A tradition we will continue every year. October I welcome you!!

8 Acre Pumpkin Patch

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