Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jayden is 2!!!

Last Monday Jayden celebrated his 2nd birthday! It was a day of mixed emotions for me. At points I was happy and excited then there were times I couldn't hold back a few tears, but enough about that let's get to the party. One of the things I love about Jayden is he is well rounded. He is not into just one thing, he likes everything! And that makes things a hole lot easier when it comes to presents and cakes. I was kinda having a hard time deciding what to do for his cake this year, nothing seemed to feel right. Then my mom suggested that I have a Spongebob party and cake so that's just what I did. All and all his birthday was pretty fun. I took more video then pictures because the phone camera sucks!! It's ok though because video is so much better anyway.

The Cake
(the cake was a brighter yellow but like I said this camera sucks)

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