Friday, June 24, 2011

Things That Make Me Smile

Yesterday was a long day. It seems like I cleaned all day, mostly because I did clean all day. So I was very worn out by bed time, plus Jon and I were having an off day (yes we have off day's). We just couldn't agree on anything all day. To top it off the kids were holly terrors (Jazylnn cried all day) ,but biggest thing I had a problem with were Jayden's blocks. 140 blocks to be precise. They are the favorite thing to play with and most of the time they don't bug me, but like I said today was a long day and I was just so tired of picking up blocks. When bedtime finally arrived I put Jazzy to bed first because she is the grumpiest. Then I told Jayden to help me pick up the blocks for the millionth time and not to my surprise he refused. I told him he could either help pick up the blocks or sit in time out. He chose to hit me in the face (which is his new thing) so into time out he went. As he sat there I went on with the task of gathering the blocks. I was fuming to say the least. I got madder and madder with every block I picked up and right before I was just going to explode I noticed what seemed like the last little block on the stair case. I walked over and as I was reaching for it I glanced up so see this.....

Instantly a smile crept to my face, I just sat down and stared laughing. Jon came over to look at what was so funny. When he saw it he looked at me like I had lost it, then said something like " I would think that this would pull you over the edge, you have been complaining about the blocks all day." I told him that I was just as surprised as he was to my reaction. We both stared at the stair case and said at the same time "I love our kid"

Yesterday was a long day, but I went to bed very happy.

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