Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Jayden turned 3 on November 8th. I have been hearing about a ball cake since June (his favorite thing). He also developed a extreame liking for Car's about a month before his birthday so it was only fitting that he have a car/ball themed party.

We spent the day spoiling the crap out of him. I had decided a few months past that it was time to update his room. So of course we went with a Car's theme. Which included a new toy chest, bed/bedding, and I even braved the cold and spent a whole afternoon outside painting his dresser blue. It was worth it. He loves his new room and every night he sits on his bed yelling "Mommy, look car's!" until I finally have to say "Yes, Jayden I see now go to bed." What can I say he is a boy.

As per his request I made him a Soccer ball cake, and let me just tell you he STILL talks about it. I asked him the other day if he wanted a ball cake for every birthday from now on he said yes. Yep total boy.

His favorite Present

The "Ball" Cake

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