Monday, January 21, 2013

Out of the mouth of Babes

This afternoon I went to the grocery store ALONE! It was nice. On my  way home I stopped to put something on my dad's grave. This was the first time I visited alone, we always take the kids. I brushed off some of the dirt and things from his name plate (he still has no head stone) and commented on how he picked a good place under the tree because there was not a lot of snow covering him. I worry about that sometimes, him alone and covered in snow, so it was nice to see grass. I placed a wreath, told him I would see him later, and left.
When I arrived home the kids were happy to see me and the donuts I brought as a treat. Jayden ate his, then went off to do his own thing. I left Jazlynn to finish her's and went to lay down in the living room. After a few minutes I hear Jazzy say "Look Grandpa! I have a donut!" she then continued talking. It sounded as if she was on the phone, the talking continued and I was convinced that she had gotten a hold of the phone and was talking to Jon's dad, so I got up and walked into the kitchen. When I entered she stopped talking and I asked if she was on the phone she said no, then looked across the table to an empty chair then back at me and said very seriously  "I am talking to Grandpa."  I smiled, told her ok, and left.  It seems that dad likes to make visits of his own.

1 comment:

  1. That is so precious! Children are so in tune with spirit. I seriously teared up when I read this. Thanks for sharing.
