I got the call that my Grandfather died May 1st. I was 39 weeks and miserable. His service was scheduled for Saturday May, 4th. I had my appointment on the 3rd. After some thinking I decided to stick with my plan of having the Dr. scrape my membranes. I had been having a lot of contractions and discomforts. I also noticed a decrease in movement but his heart was strong so the Dr wasn't concerned, but I had a feeling that he needed to be born sooner than his May 11th due date. The 3rd arrived and everything went as planed. I had pressure all day and some contractions that night, but nothing happened. The next day we packed the car (just in case) and headed to the funeral. It was a 1 hour graveside service and I stood the whole time. About 10min in my contractions started coming every 10 min. When the service ended they were very 5 min. I told Jon that it looked like we would be going to the hospital after all, but I wanted to eat first, so we joined my family at a restaurant. I had a salad and water. The contractions by then were coming every 2-3 mins so, I told Jon to hurry and finish so we could get going. We left the kids with my family and headed out. After a quick stop at Fred Myer to pick up a new card for the camera we arrived at the hospital. As per tradition I had Jon give me a blessing and then take one last prego picture before heading in. It was windy so Jon had to take a few pictures to get a good one, seconds after he took what he said "Was the last one." My waters broke. From there it was a mad dash into the Hospital. We could not stop laughing.
After we got checked in a settled. We decided to walk around a bit( I was only dilated to a 4) we made one round before I decided to go back to the room. After that we just chilled and let my body do it's thing. I was dilated to a 5, the contractions were manageable ,and I was having no problems. An hour later I was a six. I had been debating and stressing the whole nine months about weather or not to try a full natural birth. I had an epidural with Jayden and Jazlynn, but they wore off when it came time to push and labor has never been to difficult for me so why not. Still I was not sure I wanted that route. Well at 6cm it was time to decide, I asked to wait one more hour. I lasted 45. Everything was going fine, but then the contractions were coming every 60 seconds and with them every nerve in my legs were on fire it was so intense that I could not breath. I told my self to hold on longer because they were going to tell me I was at a 10 and then I could push, alas when they checked me I was still a 6. I said very calmly give me the epidural. With the epidural going I could breath again and to tell you the truth I did not for one minute fill like a failure. Labor sped up at that point and an hour after the epidural was placed I was a 10, but he was still a little high. The nurse said I could try to push him down or just let my body bring him down. I had a felling to just let it happen so I opted to just let my body work. About 20 min later he had dropped and it was time. I freaked out. The nurse told me to push and I realized that I could not feel anything. I told the nurse that I was not numb with my other two and there is no way I can push like this. She calmly asked me to do a test push, I did, then freaked out again because it did not feel like I was pushing. She asked me to turn to my side, I turned and held the railing she held one foot and Jon held the other. I told her that I could not push this numb, she looked me in the eye and told me to have faith in myself and that I could do it. I took a deep breath curled myself around my belly and pushed there was no counting, I requested no counting , anyone caught counting would be punched in the face. It was silent. I pushed twice then the nurse ran out of the room and came back with the Dr. I pushed once more. He told me to stop. I did not know what was going on. I looked up at the reflection in the light on the ceiling and saw that his head was out. The cord was wrapped around his neck twice after the removal of the cord the Dr. lifted him out. It was silent. He placed him on my chest and I looked at Jon and cried a little. Jaxsyn was perfect. They took him away and it finally hit me that he had not cried yet. I held my breath they worked on him a little then finally he cried. I was able to relax. They kept him over on the table for a little while longer while they cleaned me up. I tore a little, but I did not mind. Jaxsyn Patrick Jensen was born on May 5th at 1:38 A.M he weighed 6lbs 13oz and was 20 inches long. He is my smallest and tallest.
Jon handed him to me all wrapped up, he looked like Jayden's twin. In that moment I had a strange feeling come over me at the time I thought it was a sign of baby blue's I would later learn that that was not the case. The fist thought I had when I held my beautiful baby was a slight feeling of sadness followed by "He is not mine." I brushed it off and continued to enjoy my baby, but that moment left me a little unsettled still.
* Later that day my sister-in-law's water broke and she had my niece at 8:40P.M. on May 5th. She was not due until the 17th. Jaxsyn and Ainsley will forever share a birthday.
He is absolutely perfect Tangela!! What a handsome boy, just like his big brother! Hugs to all of you, hope you are hanging in there.