Friday, July 2, 2010

Jazlynn Paige

So...I should have been posting for the last 3 weeks but I have been kinda lazy. I am sorry I will try to be better. Let's backtrack a little to get everyone caught up to present day.


Monday June 7, 2010

Monday started out as just a normal day. Noting much going on except for a Dr. appt. I was 39 weeks and doing all that I could (except for the crazy stuff) to see if I could get this ball rolling. Sadly nothing worked. At 4:15pm we headed into the Dr. I was 3 cm dilated. I don't know what Dr. Cox did, I think he scraped my membranes, then he talked about induction and that I could call and schedule one anytime. Jon and I decided that we would continue to wait a little longer. After the appt. I called my mom to give her the update and we joked about having her the next day on the 8th so she could be like Jayden (Jayden was born on the 8th). After I hung up with her I started to feel pressure but I usually feel weird after appts. so we went to dinner then walked the mall. At 8:00 pm I put Jayden to bed, did the dishes and various other chores just in case I went into labor( I start this routine at 37 weeks) and then went to bed. Around Midnight when I got up to use the bath room I felt lots of pressure but I was having no contractions so I didn't think anything of it. At 2:30 a.m. the pressure was getting stronger and I was having small irregular contractions so I decided to go get checked out. I woke up Jon and we stared packing and getting things ready. The more I walked around the more contractions I had. When we finally left at 4:30 a.m. the contractions were coming every 2 min and they hurt. So we get to the hospital and I am 6 cm. It was a busy night so I had to wait a few hours before getting my epidural. After I received the drugs they checked me and I was 9 cm. A little while after that it was time to push. I pushed for what felt like the longest most horrible 30 min of my life. I kept asking Dr. Cox to use the vacuum to just suck her out ( he wouldn't) then right before I was about to just give up and die she was born 12:01 p.m. ,Tuesday June 8th, 2010, 7 lbs even 19 1/2 inches (the same measurements as Jayden).
3 Weeks Later

Everything is going great!! I don't even feel like I had a baby. I have had no baby blues and as for Jayden....well let's just say he is having a harder time adjusting but he is also going through his terrible two's so we just take it one day at a time. I love having two kids!!

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