Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I can't believe that summer is almost over! It seems like it only just began..... well at least I can say that this has been one of the BEST summers ever. No we didn't get to go on any awesome vacations, or buy any fun new toy's. In fact we really didn't get to do much at all and no it's not because of the baby..... you see Jon quit his job right before Christmas of last year due to the fact that he needed to put all his time and energy toward his Student Teaching. We have been getting by with a little student loans and our taxes. We planed it out so that the money would run out in June but we also figured that Jon would have a Teaching job by then so it was no worry. Um.. sorry to Monsoon on our parade but it's a killer out there for Teachers and it looks like Jon will be just a substitute this coming School year (hopefully). So we have found ourselves flat broke and jobless. So why has this been the best summer? Time. I have had nothing but time. Our summer days have been filled with dollar ice cream, picnics at the park, books, cartoons, Nintendo, and all the family we can take. Yes there have been a few tears but mostly happy tears. One day we took Jayden to the park and let him swing. The last few times we have taken him he has been a little afraid but this trip he was ready to take them on. As I sat on the park bench, Jazlynn asleep in my arms, I closed my eyes for a brief moment. I felt the cool breeze and Jazlynn's heart beating in sync with mine. In the distance was Jayden's squeals of delight then suddenly they stopped. When I opened my eyes to take a look they were met with a big boy smile and a wave from the swing. I waved back. Jazlynn let out a content sigh in her sleep. I looked down at her my heart filled with joy and for the first time I was happy to be flat broke and jobless.

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