Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Jayden has come a long way this summer. He loves anything to do with outside and always throws the biggest fit when its time to come inside. (we love him anyway). In July Jayden rode is first horse! I thought he would be scared but what do mom's know..he LOVED every minuet of it. He even got to ware his Great Grandpa Hall's cowboy hat! I am also happy to report that Jayden is off the bottle for good!! He still has his bink and he needs a juice cup to go to bed at night but that's ok. He has also come to terms with this whole big brother thing. When ever Jazlynn cries he will give her her bink and lay down next to her until she stops. It's the cutest thing ever!! Oh and yesterday when we went to the pool Jayden went down the kids slide head first into the water! No hesitation what so ever he just walked right up there and dove. He also would walk to the deeper part and sit down under the water then shoot strait up coughing and laughing. What a dork!! (we love him anyway).

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