Monday, April 25, 2011

Finally.... An Update

Wow, it seems like forever since I have updated the old blog. Oh wait, it has been forever! Just so you know though I do think about blogging everyday, but then I sit down at the computer and my-mind-just-goes-blank. I have been that way for a while now. It's like I am living in a haze. I always knew I would fall apart if anything happened to my dad, but I never expected to fall this bad or this hard. The first few weeks after we found out it was cancer my world went black. I couldn't sleep or eat. There was no joy or laughter just black. Life went on like that for a while. I will admit there were moments where it seemed my faith was shaken, but never for that long. I learned a long time ago that worse things happen when you stop trusting. On a positive note I am getting better it just takes time and I have a life time, well until I reach 49 and find out I have a rare Genetic brain tumor (yes, my dad's tumor is Genetic)(yes, my dad is 49) it's kind of a running joke between my older brother and I, it's a Hall thing.

Gooding is treating us well. It's a very relaxing little town. I forgot how nice it was being out in the middle of nowhere.

The kids are thriving. Jayden spends his days watching the same 3 movies over and over everyday, breaking into the pantry to sneak treats, eating apples like a big person ( he wont let me cut them up), and reading stories to all his toys (very funny). Staurday night Jayden had his first ear infection (not cool, not cool) Easter Sunday his ear drum ruptured, reliving his pain, he was then able to get a little sleep, and kind of enjoy his Easter. This morning I took him and Jazlynn to the Dr. with a little help from the antibiotics the prescribed it looks like things will get
better. Besides her yucky cold Jazlynn is just as cute as ever. She is 10 months now and the light of my life. I updated the blog with pictures from the past few months that I missed. She still has no teeth witch is crazy to me because Jayden had all of his teeth by age 1. To each his own I guess.

I have a lot of freinds and most of them have blogs, but one always stands out to me. One of Jon's old friends decided that she needed a change, she felt she was never happy with the things around her, so she decided to challenge her self with a "Happiness Challenge" She promised that every day for a year she would post something that made her happy that day kind of like a self discovery. I love reading her blog, you can feel the change form the first post to now it has opened her eyes, helped her testimony, and boosted her confidence. I have been wanting to try this with my blog for a while now but have never committed to it. Well I think at this point in my life I need to. I have a feeling it will be a source of joy in hard times not only now but for future.
Of course I will start this tomorrow because it's my blog and my bed is calling my name.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if you are referring to my Happiness challenge, but whether you are or not, I thought I would break out of my blog stalking mode and tell you that I think that is a great idea! Looking for the good in each day has made a huge difference in my life. I look forward to reading about your joy!

    I am so sorry you are dealing with such hardship and sadness. I don't know if you are aware that I have been experiencing something strikingly similar with my mom. She lost her eye a year ago to sinus cancer and it has been very difficult for me, especially now that I am living thousands of miles away from her.

    I have not been very vocal, but I wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my prayers.
