Monday, August 31, 2009

9 Month's Old

I has been kind of a long month for the Jayden and I . I have not been feeling well. I am not sick just tired like dead tired its kinda weird but we will see what happens. Jayden has been having a rough time to. He turned 9 months and just started acting weird. I know that sometimes I worry too much about little things but I am new to all this parenting stuff and they don't come with a manual. Anyways Jayden has always been pretty good at eating his baby food up until this month! He will eat a little but he has cut back a lot he seems very uninterested in it and would rather have his bottle all the time. I don't know what to do about it. Also he still won't pick up snacks and put them in his mouth. I set out little things and he just plays with them or if he really wants to eat it he will bend down and eat it hands free. What a crazy kid I have!! But not to leave on a bad note he can stand on his own without holding on to things and he has even taken a few steps!! Teeth count 4 and Haircut count is 5. Can't wait to see what next month brings.

Hates grass

After his 5th haircut

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